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Our cat sees something outside the window, but it’s not the rainbow. The photo below shows a locally famous work of art in the Athens area: Abbott Pattison’s dramatic “Iron Horse” sculpture.

Hot Fun in the Summertime!

Summer of 2015 was one to remember, and I captured some of the memories with my camera.  The photo of the Bald Eagle in flight was taken at Lake Lanier on an appropriate day to see the symbol of our country:  July 4.  A few days later in July,  I photographed this rainbow from my backyard in Athens. The photos below were taken when Joy and I vacationed at Tybee Island on the Georgia seacoast

Porpoises and pelicans, lighthouses, fishing boats and spectacular sunrises make Tybee Island a relaxing vacation destination.

The University of Georgia’s Trial Garden is a must-see for plant lovers in Athens. I took these photos of  a few of the garden’s flowers on a hot summer afternoon.

“Once in a blue moon” happened on July 31, 2015 when a second full moon happened during the month.  I took the photo of the blue moon and clouds and a few days later I captured this view of a half moon.