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Charlotte, North Carolina was a gracious host city for the 2012 Democratic National Convention. President Obama beamed as he accepted his party’s nomination for a second term. First Lady Michelle Obama, Vice President  Joe Biden and former President Bill Clinton drew cheers from the huge crowd.

Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm,  equal pay advocate Lilly Ledbetter,  Massachusetts senatorial candidate Elizabeth Warren, civil rights icon John  Lewis and  the popular band Foo Fighters  fired up the convention.

Charlotte is  a vibrant and surprising city that combines the modern with  old-fashioned Southern hospitality. The city’s architecture and urban art  like the bronze statue of a millworker or the fantastic “Firebird”  sculpture are treats for the eyes of visitors. Newark mayor and convention speaker Cory Booker (below left) greeted admirers on Charlotte's bustling streets.

Works by artists including sculptor Alberto Giacometti  and painter Sam Francis are on view at Charlotte’s exciting Bechtler Museum of Modern Art.  Musicians Jeff  Bridges and  James Taylor  delighted rain-soaked but happy crowds in Uptown Charlotte during the pre-DNC “CarolinaFest.”   Police outnumbered protesters at a spirited and colorful March on Wall Street South. Charlotte  is second only to New York City as an American financial center.  Protesters called attention to the corporate connections and cash that control both the Democratic and Republican campaigns.

Carolina Finer for Democrats in Charlotte